Personal Training
As a certified personal trainer, I offer a wide range of fitness services and training styles. I think it is important to address all aspects of health and fitness. Nutrition, strength, flexibility, mobility and aerobic fitness are all important. You can be strong and flexible, you can eat healthier and not be miserable.
There are ways to make improvements that will benefit you, it's all about consistent choices. Health and Fitness is not only about what your body looks like on the outside, but how your body functions and how you feel on the inside! I'll help you stay focused and make continuous improvement!
Who I am & What I do

My aim is to help you identify your fitness goals, design an exercise program that fits your needs and guide you through exercises and appropriate training programs.
I have been a certified fitness professional for 9 years and I have been teaching for over a decade. In that time I have met and worked with a variety of people and I have learned a lot and I have continued to educate myself after my initial certification.
I believe the functional aspect of a healthy lifestyle includes maintaining a healthy strong body. I don't believe in shortcuts, consistently working hard to make lasting changes will always be my recommendation. My approach to fitness and health will have you feeling great and seeing results.

London, UK